As winter sets in there are still jobs you can be doing in the garden and home
- Evergreen hellebores, or Christmas roses, are easy to grow and will flower through into Spring, making them perfect for borders or containers. They are available in a wide range of beautiful colours and survive the coldest of winters, growing well in shady areas of the garden.
- Heucheras provide some welcome colour in the winter garden, add cyclamen and snowdrops for extra hues; these look gorgeous planted in containers. Why not take a look at our range of pre-planted containers in store and treat someone to a long-lasting gift this Christmas.
- Remember that containers will still need watering throughout winter. Make sure they are off the ground by removing any saucers and placing them on feet to prevent waterlogging. Where possible they should be placed by a sheltered wall in the coldest months.
- Make the most of any sunny days to tidy the garden or edge the lawn. Prune deciduous shrubs whilst they are dormant. Cutting back about a third of the oldest stems to ground level, thinning them out will allow the light to filter through and promote new growth. Deciduous trees and shrubs can still be planted or transplanted as long as the ground is not waterlogged or frozen.
- If your garden is looking bare as the plants die back, why not move some of your containers around or add a birdbath as a seasonal focal point and provide water for visiting birds.
- There’s still time to cut back hardy border perennials to just above ground level to ensure that they grow back healthy in spring. Think about leaving some of the more decorative stems which can provide a home for insects. Alternatively check out our bug hotels which will provide a shelter during the winter months.
- Your autumn or winter bedding plants will benefit from deadheading. Remove dead flowerheads from pansies, violas, primroses and cyclamen to encourage new blooms and prevent disease.
- Prepare for next year by installing a water butt to collect rainwater from roofs, garages and sheds. Rainwater is better for your plants, especially in hard-water areas. It will save you money on your water bill too.
- If we have any snow, shake plants or use a brush to remove snow from trees, shrubs and other plants to avoid damage. If you haven’t already done so, cover plants susceptible to frost with horticultural fleece to prevent frost damage.
Lawn care
- Don’t cut your lawn if there is frost on the ground and avoid walking on the grass in cold or wet conditions.
- Edging your lawn for the winter months gives a neat and tidy appearance and makes it easier to tidy the borders in spring.
Indoor gardening
- A seasonal houseplant will cheer up any room this Christmas, but make sure that you look after them. The traditional poinsettia hates draughts and cold rooms, so avoid placing on a windowsill. Water them only when the compost feels dry and allow surplus water to drain away. Our potted cyclamen is happier in a cooler room, water from below to keep the foliage dry and make sure they don’t sit in water.
- We have a fabulous range of houseplants and containers to suit every space. Add a hanging or trailing plant to liven up a dark corner, with so many to choose from you’ll want one for every room.
- Amaryllis is the perfect centrepiece for any festive display and is a popular Christmas gift. This exotic bloom needs a bright spot away from draughts and out of direct sunlight.
- If you have a sunny windowsill, you can grow microgreens such as mustard cress, coriander or pea shoots in pots to use in salads or as garnishes.
- Winter is a hard time for our garden birds as food is scarce. Make sure you have a varied selection of foods to suit the different birds visiting your garden. Take a look in our wildlife care section and spoil your garden visitors with a treat. Our range of birdfeeders, nesting boxes and foods make an ideal Christmas gift for any animal lover.
- Be careful if you are clearing leaves, make sure you don’t disturb any wildlife such as frogs, toads, ladybirds or even hedgehogs that might be hibernating or sheltering there.